How to set up authorized users for online access to confidential data/documents across the circuit

KB article ID:4003 (permalink)

An up to date version of this document is available at [Cnv custom URL 4003]

Prep 1: Circuit-wide standard security rules

Since each Clerk controls their own security rules (in Exhibit D-2), perhaps all clerks of a given circuit could meet and mark up an Exhibit D2 form to agree on the circuit standard. Each Clerk would then work with Kat to change their own exhibit. This should be a familiar process, since Kat just finished reviewing this with each Clerk.  

Prep 2: Tracking who gets access

As a Circuit, use a spreadsheet (similar to the sample available from Kurt) to track users who should get cross-circuit online access and the security groups to which they should be assigned. The Circuit will want to appoint a keeper of this spreadsheet, responsible for establishing and maintaining it, and notify all Clerks on changes to it, so that everyone knows when to add/remove a user to/from a security group.

Step 1: Summary instructions for any given Clerk to set up their own judges/PDs/SAs

Click for judge/PD/SA and private attorney setup instructions. [Cnv custom URL 4002]

This setup gets these users online access to the given court’s confidential data/documents, as authorized by the individual Circuit Clerk and defined in their Exhibit D2.

Step 2: Instructions for Clerks to set up out-of-county users

Some judges preside at multiple courts. As such, they should already be set up in PC JIMS at each of these courts, which is how they get online access to the confidential data/documents from those courts.

Aside from judges already set up at their court, each Clerk will need to add all other out-of-county users to their appropriate Judici security group.

See [Cnv custom URL 6200] for instructions on how to add/remove users to/from security groups. --As always, you can call Kat and she’ll walk you through it.