E-Filing setup

KB article ID:2200

Not included in E-Filing Operating Guidelines

Available from courtsupport.judici.com/2200 [Cnv link, recreate link]

Here are the key steps to roll out e-filing:


If this wasn't done during the sales process, we'll do a demo of the entire process.  It will show the entire process, from the attorney's involvement thru the court's.

Application process

Get required input from users [Cnv link 3400 page]

After the AOIC approves the application

Set up your civil filing fees [Cnv link 3200 page]

Judici process for filing fee determination can be found here. [Cnv link, supposed to go to https://sites.google.com/a/goodinassociates.com/galinternalkb/gal-e-filing-setup but link is dead, will need to locate and recreate]


This can be accomplished in one day:


Issue a press release [Cnv link 3600 page]

Activate the appropriate ad, based on whether the court has Docs, E-Filing, or both.

Judici activates e-filing