E-Filing setup
KB article ID:2200
Not included in E-Filing Operating Guidelines
Available from courtsupport.judici.com/2200 [Cnv link, recreate link]
Here are the key steps to roll out e-filing:
If this wasn't done during the sales process, we'll do a demo of the entire process. It will show the entire process, from the attorney's involvement thru the court's.
Application process
After the AOIC approves the application
Judici process for filing fee determination can be found here. [Cnv link, supposed to go to https://sites.google.com/a/goodinassociates.com/galinternalkb/gal-e-filing-setup but link is dead, will need to locate and recreate]
This can be accomplished in one day:
One session is for attorneys and/or their staff. Some Clerk staff should also attend, so they understand the attorney's side of things. Feel free to mark up our flyer [555] for this training, or cut and paste from it to make your own.
The other session is for Circuit Clerk staff
Issue a press release [Cnv link 3600 page]
Activate the appropriate ad, based on whether the court has Docs, E-Filing, or both.