Fee table entries not set up in JIMS
KB article ID:6610
JIMS has always had customizable fee tables which automatically distribute incoming payments.
In the configuration workbook, we help the court ensure that they have fee table entries for the common payment amounts. On the configuration file we send for posting to Stage, we add a "Fee Table Entry" column to the CT, FC and COM tabs. Any line item with "NO_SPLIT_FOUND" in this column is missing from the court's fee table. If you want to make things easier, you can even click the drop-down on that column name and filter the CT, FC and COM tabs to show just the missing entries (click the following screenshot to see how to do this)
If a missing item is common, you may want to add it to your JIMS fee table.
Special note: fees which aren’t specific to case type (e.g. alias summons filing fees on the FC tab or certified copy fees on the COM tab) can have fee table entries (called “unbound splits). These are relatively new to JIMS, and a bit different. Dawn in our office will create these entries for you, though you should review them.