Setting up an interface with an e-Citation vendor

KB article ID:4400

Last Modified

1/3/2023 - Updated some testing code values due to a change in our test server's data

1/4/2024 - reorganized for clarity

02/15/2024 - Made adjustments

03/20/2024 - Made additional adjustments

05/23/2024 - Made additional adjustments and clarifications

2/27/25- Removed Test 5

Prerequisites for e-Citation implementation

The court must sign a contract with Goodin before any certification testing can take place.

Required data format

e_citation_service_producer.xsd - the XML schema for providing electronic citation data from a single traffic stop/incident.

e_citation_service_producer.html - a human-readable version of the same thing

Certification testing

Each e-Citation vendor that is new to Goodin must successfully complete an overall, initial certification test to ensure the compatibility of their data with our systems, and must conduct an individual certification for every county that wants to adopt e-Citation before they go live, at the time they are ready to proceed.

Required agency/officer testing code values for initial certification

Use the following values for testing (or let us know if this isn't possible):

Required violator/litigant testing code values for initial certification

Use the following litigant for all citations except the CA/MX test (Test #4):

For Test #4, use the following, respectively:

Test charges to be used

First, what is the order of severity for charges? It's as follows:

Second, what charges should the vendor test with? They can use the following, with exceptions (as noted):

Test scenarios

BEFORE TESTING! Judici staff processing the test files shall verify that the client has signed a proposal for e-Citation services before proceeding.

The e-Citation vendor should create the following test citations using the testing code values referenced above. All test data should include the citation PDFs in-line as per the above-referenced schema.

Revised 03/20/2024

A single test ticket should represent only one scenario

NOTE 1: The e-Citation vendor has the option when submitting their tests to affirm that one or more tests aren't possible with their system or in the given county being tested, or that the given county does not intend to accept or work with tickets of a particular type.

Other testing issues

Below are other issues which the e-Citation vendor shall affirm during testing, to ensure that they comply with our specs (available here), since these really can't be tested:

Court configuration review prior to going live

Key code values


The e-Citation vendor should work with the court to configure their systems to match up with key data in the court's CMS:

Other court configuration

What tools are required to get the data to the court?

This depends on which e-Citation vendor you use. The following vendors are certified for e-Citation as of March 2024, but additional vendors may come online in the future:

Where should vendor-provided tools such as the Goodin Auto Exporter be installed?

It's the court's choice which particular PC in their office should run the program in question;

Where should incoming e-Citation data be delivered?

It should go to the same location where the court keeps its Imaging files (since that is reliably available). Where is this data located?

How do the e-Citations get from the Imaging folder into the JIMS Inbox?

GAL has a tool in the Imaging drive that imports this data into the Inbox about once a minute, so the XML e-Citation data doesn't stay in the Imaging drive for too long.

How does the e-Citation vendor get data to the court? 

Any newly-submitted XML files need to get to the above-referenced location somehow. Possible options include: