JIMS preparations and other operational issues
KB article ID:1800
Always keep an extra $20 or so into the clearing account you set up to receive Judici payments. This cushion is necessary in at least a couple of situations where fees get charged to you:
The first monthly account fee may erroneously get charged to the court rather than us. This occasionally happens due to setup timing issues.
When you are charged for certain rare fees for which you are responsible under your contract with Judici. The typical example of this is the "chargeback fee" which the processor charges when someone disputes a charge on their credit card and the court doesn't successfully contest it. The amount of this fee is indicated on your original merchant account application, commonly $15.
JIMS and AS400 issues
JIMS setup for E-Plea [Cnv - link to 600 page]
Be ready for power outages [Cnv - link to 1000 page]
For courts offering online supervision
Provide us a copy of your mail-in form so we can look for issues which would cause the AO to hold up approval of your e-guilty application.