Macon promotional materials
KB article ID:none
For attorneys and judges
Macon Attorney Services Fact Sheet [Cnv link, but link is dead,] --for handout/distribution to attorneys (color print, 2-sided)
This tells attorneys about the Courtlook subscription service, which (among other things) gives the attorney or record access to online documents.
Judge Services Fact Sheet [Cnv link, but link is dead,] --for handout/distribution to judges (color print, 2-sided)
This tells judges about Courtlook and how to apply for a free subscription.
For the general public
Kurt: Mail MCC counter card holder w/ Judici cards
MCCC: Develop/issue press release(s) based on the following materials:
Judici rollout press release [Cnv link 1210]
Judici E-Plea & Pay press release [Cnv link 1200]