JIMS setup for eplea
KB article ID:800
Courts using the JIMS case management system will need to do the following setup:
Ensure that the fee table has a default amount entry for each case type, as well as entries for any exceptions to that default. A sample from another court already active on Judici E-Pay will be provided.
In the technical menu (9) select edit fee table (6).
For fee calculation tables that are going to be used by Judici E-Plea & Pay, you will need to add the appropriate code to the "Comment field".
EG- Electronic Guilty
ES- Electronic Supervision
EGF- Electronic Guilty Failure to Appear
These fee calculation tables will be double-checked.
Client must ensure that fee priorities are set for each case type
In the technical menu (9) select establish distribution priority (6).
Ensure that each case type has distribution priorities established.
Set each appropriate key to Active (F10).
Move a key by marking it (F7) using the arrow keys to select where to move the distribution priority and then move (F8).
Must Appear Flags
Conversion code will be run to ensure that open TR cases with two sequential violations are marked as Must Appears.
If the court manipulates hearing times...
This is sometimes done in order to identify traffic violators who have not indicated their intention to come to court over their ticket. This is a bad idea once e-plea is active, because Judici shows them their court date.