Macon Judici rollout status
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Things to do before our soft start
Prior to any big publicity push, we need to have a "soft start" in which some general public and Credit Collections Partners start using Judici. To make this possible, the following tasks remain:
Data fixes
Done- GAL automated data fix- will be run on Sat. Aug. 8th
Done- MCCC manual data fix (TR, DT, CM first)- start Mon. Aig 10th
Done- MCCC to make the changes to their existing web pages, as per mockups at
Done- Load data (approx. two days)
Done- Kayte: Activate the Collections web service for Credit Collections Partners. Have Jason speak with Kurt about billing Macon for costs which they will be passing on to CCP.
Planned for Tues. 8/25- Activate Judici E-Pay (existing A/Rs only, until e-guilty app is complete and approved by the AOIC).
Later rollout tasks
Before we can start up Judici E-Plea (traffic tickets)
MCCC needs to provide GAL and Jacque the online version of the Richland College traffic school application.
Other MCCC promotional tasks
Display and distribute Judici promotional materials at your counter (for public, attorneys and judges) -Kurt to provide
Facilitate e-mail blast to local attorneys. GAL to provide content of e-mail
Other training:
Kurt: Promotional materials for the general public and attorneys
Tony: The process for attorneys to register for a free trial of Courtlook (to see documents, etc.).
Jaime: How to confirm/record judge and attorney ARNs and email addresses in JIMS (required for Courtlook)