Judici.com Services
KB article ID:JSA0808 (permalink)
Public access, comprised of:
Various services created for the general public to obtain access to public court records and conduct business with a given court. One way of accessing these services is via the Participating Courts page.
Subscription services and other paid services making court data available. The list of such currently-available services is indicated at https://www.judici.com/service/service_choice.jsp
The policies governing these services are available here.
Services unrelated to public access:
Advertising - Allow select companies to advertise their services on Judici if they meet Judici.com guidelines.
Availability of court data to court services, judicial and justice system staff by use of the Integrated Judici Access service available in GAL programs such as PC JIMS Probation and PCJIMS Prosecutor. Data made available includes open warrants not accessible to the general public.