Google Sites Conversion Test Page 6 (Tables in Body)

KB article ID:400

Some court data is not available to the public. This may be due to statute, regulation or rule. This data falls into two categories:

    1. Secure Data- this refers to that data deemed non-public under the policies governing public access to the court's data. This includes field-level restrictions such as hiding Social Security Number and case-level restrictions such as on juvenile or impounded cases.

    2. Private Data- each court has the opportunity to make additional field-level data restrictions (e.g. hide address in divorce cases). The court can also opt for some case-level restrictions, such as to hide divorce, family or order of protection cases.

A list of Secure Data, as well as the data which a court may choose to declare Private Data is available upon request to court staff and vendors working with court data. To request this, Contact us, indicating your name, title, contact info along with a description of your role in handling court data.

How is Secure/Private Data represented to the public?

    • For field-level restrictions, Judici replaces the actual data with something indicating that the data is secured.

    • For case-level restrictions, properly marked to be secured by the court (as when impounded or sealed), will be treated as though it doesn't exist.

Other restrictions

    • The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) limits how far back any results can go when searching court data

    • Judici requires that data which is required to be secure by statute, rule or regulation be conveyed only in Judici data elements expressly intended for that purpose (e.g. Don't use a social security number for an attorney's ID).

The court may elect to make some restricted data available to non-public users via Judici's Extended Access service

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